ECN urges Okakarara residents to register for 2024 elections


The Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) has urged all Okakarara residents to participate in and register for the next electoral process, which includes voter registration and the presidential and national assembly elections.

Beatrice Shililo, ECN regional voter education officer for the Otjozondjupa Region, told Nampa in an interview on Wednesday that the ECN is participating in this year’s Okakarara Annual Trade Fair to educate the town’s community through civic education.

She stated that voter registration will take place from January to March 2024.

Shililo noted that the ECN will also utilise the opportunity to teach the Okakarara community about their fundamental rights and freedoms, with the hope that once they have the appropriate knowledge, they will grasp the necessity of participating in the electoral process.

“Because of voter enthusiasm, we decided to do more civic education. We want to know why certain Namibians are refusing to participate in the voting process. We hope that by providing them with enough information, they would change their minds and participate,” she said.

She stated that for the upcoming elections, the ECN has abandoned the use of electronic voting machines in favour of the old system of using ballot paper, and she emphasised that residents should not be concerned because they will be well educated in advance in order to avoid rejected or spoiled ballot papers, as the ECN wishes for every vote to be recorded as a valid vote.

“Voting is extremely crucial. Namibians must understand that when they vote, they are electing the administration that will make decisions for the country. It is also always for Namibians’ desired improvements in the country to become a reality. Voting is Namibians’ only voice in a democratic country,” she said.

She further added that the duty of the voter education officers is to provide Namibians with the correct knowledge so that they can exercise their rights, but choosing the right leaders is entirely up to each Namibian, and it starts with getting involved and voting.

Source: The Namibian Press Agency